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Born in the town of Molina de Segura (Murcia, Spain) on June 23, 1946, he began his education after primary school in Claretian religious centers, with which he has been associated for much of his life. Since 1980, he resides in the Canary Islands (Spain).

A person of diverse talents, including theologian, psychologist, musician, and humanist, his life revolves around two main fields: education and musical and literary creation, alongside other fields and personal commitments within the context of his Christian faith.

As an educator, he has served as a teacher and director in both public and private institutions, teaching various subjects. He held the position of Professor of Music and was part of the corp of Inspectores Educativos and was responsible for music education.

As a creator, he has actively pursued his musical ministry as an author and composer of various works and literary publications, often contributing to the press and specialized magazines.

In his social commitments, he has volunteered in institutions dedicated to assisting individuals at risk of exclusion due to addiction, assuming leadership and management roles in various prevention and rehabilitation programs.
