Born in New York and raised in El Salvador, Jaime has dedicated a portion of his ministry to promoting better Hispanic liturgies and bringing cultures together for worship.
- A Ti, Dios/You Are God (Te Deum)
- Abran el Camino al Señor
- Aclamación antes del Evangelio
- Acogemos, Señor, Tu Mensaje de Amor / Embrace and Echo Your Word
- Aleluya
- Aleluya, Vive el Señor / Alleluia, Christ Is Alive
- All You Who Are Thirsty
- Amén
- Anunciamos Tu Muerte
- Arrepiéntete/Repent
- Arrepiéntete/Repent
- Ave María
- Bread of Life/Pan de Vida
- Bread of Life/Pan de Vida
- Busquen al Señor, y Vivirán Sus Corazones
- Cada Vez que Comemos
- Caminamos Con Nuevo Aliento
- Cantemos al Señor/Let Us Sing to the Lord
- Canto de Alegría
- Children Reborn in the Water / Niños Renacidos en el Agua
- Come to Me, All Who Labor/Vengan a Mí los Agobiados
- Comemos de Este Pan/We Come to Eat This Bread
- Coming Home
- Cordero de Dios
- Despedida de los Catecúmenos/Elegidos
- Dios Asciende entre Aclamaciones
- Dios Mismo Vendrá
- Dismissal of the Catechumens / Elect
- El Cáliz que Bendecimos/Our Blessing-Cup
- El Cáliz que Bendecimos/Our Blessing-Cup
- El Señor Es Compasivo / The Lord Is Kind and Merciful
- El Señor Ha Estado Grande con Nosotros (Salmo 125)
- Every Single Thing We Are/Todas Nuestras Vidas
- Every Time We Eat This Bread / Al Venir Celebrar
- For the Glory of Our God
- Gloria
- Going Out to All the World
- Great Is the Love/Hay Gran Amor
- Haz Brillar Sobre Nosotros el Resplandor de Tu Rostro
- Holy Spirit / Espíritu Santo
- Hosanna (English)
- Hosanna (Spanish)
- I Am With You Always/Yo Estaré con Ustedes
- Imaging Love: Empowering Lives / Reflejando Amor: Dando Poder
- Jeremiah 20
- La Viña del Señor
- Let Us Come to Be One Body
- Let Us Sing as We Go
- Let Us Sing as We Go
- Let the Lord Enter/Va a Entrar el Señor (Psalm 24/Salmo 23)
- Letanía de Adviento/Advent Litany
- Light of the World/Luz del Mundo
- Lord, You Are Good and Forgiving
- Mi Alma Glorifica al Señor (Magnificat)
- Muéstranos, Señor/Show Us, O Lord
- Nadie en el Sepulcro / No One in the Tomb
- No Olviden las Acciones del Señor
- Nos Alegramos/Let Us Rejoice
- Nothing Is Impossible
- Now in the Household of Christ/Ahora en la Casa de Cristo
- O God, Let All the Nations Praise You
- Oración de los Fieles
- Padrenuestro
- Pide, Busca, Llama
- Por Tu Cruz
- Porque Me Ha Ungido
- Pregón Pascual
- Proclaim the Promise
- Pueblo de Dios/People of God
- Que la Gracia y el Amor/May the Grace and the Love
- Quiero Responder que Sí/Lord, I Say “Yes”
- Quién Dicen que Soy Yo/Who Do You Say that I Am
- Qué Alegría/I Rejoiced
- Rain Down
- Rejoice Over Us With Gladness
- Salmo 102: El Señor Es Compasivo/Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind
- Salmo 99: Nosotros Somos Su Pueblo/ Psalm 100: We Are God’s People
- Santo
- Santos del Señor
- Se Postrarán Ante Ti/Every Nation upon the Earth
- Secuencia Pascual
- Sing Alleluia!
- Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo/We Are the Body of Christ
- Song of Farewell/Canto de Despedida
- Take Up Your Cross
- Taste and See the Goodness
- Te Adoramos, Oh Cristo/We Adore You, O Christ
- Te Alabamos, Señor
- Teach Me Your Way, O Lord
- The Body of Christ
- The Body of Christ
- The Lord Has Done Great Things
- The Servant King
- The Voice of God
- Today Our Savior Is Born
- Today We Celebrate
- Transformation
- Ubi Caritas Est Vera
- Vayan al Mundo / Go Out to the World
- Ven, Espíritu Santo
- Ven, Oh Ven, Emmanuel/Come, Emmanuel
- Waiting/Esperando
- Water of Life/Agua de Vida
- We Are Your Children Who Gather
- We Come to Be United/Nos Unimos por la Gracia de Dios
- We Who Hunger Come to the Table/Los Que Tienen Hambre Vienen
- We Will Follow You
- With Rejoicing Hearts/Con Amor Jovial
- Your Word Is Everlasting
Jaime Cortez is a talented and popular composer, arranger and performer. Born in New York and raised in El Salvador, Jaime has dedicated a portion of his ministry to promoting better Hispanic liturgies and bringing cultures together for worship. His main instrument is guitar, though he is proficient in piano and other string instruments, such as charango, vihuela and bass guitar. He holds a bachelor’s degree in music composition from Arizona State University. He was named Pastoral Musician of the Year in 2016 by the National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM).
Some of Jaime’s best-known songs are “Rain Down,” “Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo/We Are the Body of Christ” (with Bob Hurd) and “Take Up Your Cross.” He has released six solo collections with OCP, including Rain Down, Sacramentos, Adviento, Qué Alegría/I Rejoiced, Transformation, and Pueblo Unido/People United. His collaborative projects include Gracia y Amor/Grace and Love, a collection with Bob Hurd and Eleazar Cortés and Our Common Home, a project inspired by Pope Francis's encyclical, Laudato Si', featuring his song "Let Us Sing as We Go," along with music from several other well-known Catholic composers. Jaime has also translated Mass of Christ the Savior/Misa Cristo Salvador into Spanish and bilingual versions alongside Dan Schutte.
In addition to workshops, Jaime gives concerts with both English and Spanish repertoire, alone or with volunteer groups. He has many years of experience presenting workshops for Pastoral Musicians, catholic teachers and youth on liturgy and music.
Jaime is currently Director of Liturgy & Music at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Scottsdale, AZ. He lives in Mesa with his wife and their three musically talented sons.
Find Jaime's "Te Adoramos, Oh Cristo/We Adore You, O Christ" in the Spanish-language children's resource El Señor Nos Invita, Vol. 3.