This talented composer spent five years traveling through Andalucia and Extremadura, Spain, singing in the churches and plazas. Juan Antonio has always been committed serving the basic needs of the people of God.
- A Dios Den Gracias
- Acompañas Nuestro Caminar
- Alabad al Señor-Aleluya
- Alegre la Mañana
- Alégrate, María
- Anunciamos el Reino de Dios
- Caminaré
- Canto del Universo
- Cristo Está Conmigo
- Danos Tu Luz
- Danos un Corazón
- Desterrados
- Dolorosa
- El Espíritu de Dios
- El Señor Es Mi Fuerza
- En la Hora de Partir
- En la Noche, Míranos
- En la Noche, Míranos
- Eres Uno de Los Nuestros
- Espíritu Santo, Ven
- Estrella de los Mares
- Las Puertas de Tu Casa
- Madre del Salvador
- No Podemos Caminar
- No Se Puede Sepultar la Luz
- Perdón, Señor
- Resucitó el Señor
- Santa María de la Esperanza
- Santa María del Amén
- Santa María del Camino
- Seremos Tus Testigos
- Te Damos Gracias
- Te Pedimos la Paz
- Te Presentamos
- Todo Lo Podemos
- Todos Unidos
- Todos los Días Nace el Señor
- Tu Palabra Me Da Vida
- Un Mandamiento Nuevo
- Un Pueblo Camina/The People Walk
- Vamos Cantando al Señor
- Ven Pronto
- Ven, Espíritu de Dios
Internationally recognized as one of the leading composers of Spanish liturgical music, Juan Antonio Espinosa writes songs that emphasize hope for the oppressed, social justice and the power of faith. Born in Badajoz, Spain, he grew up in a family of musicians and early on learned to play a variety of instruments. A talented organist, he was one of Spain’s liturgical music pioneers after the Second Vatican Council. The people of God embraced his early songs and continue to sing them today. After living for a time in Peru and Colombia, he published music reflecting the Andes style and Latin American social realities.
“I had an intense desire,” he says, “to give Christian communities songs that would resonate with the new liturgy, songs for celebrating the presence of a Jesus resurrected in the context of … [the] people of God.” Hispanic assemblies in the US are familiar with Juan's uplifting music through his songs in the OCP collections Pescador de Hombres, Resucitó, El Señor Nos Invita, Volume 3 and Flor y Canto, tercera edición. His first solo album for OCP was Al Señor del Nuevo Siglo. This was followed by A Los Que Ama el Señor and Canciones de un Pueblo Caminante, Volumes 1, 2 and 3. His music is also featured in the upcoming collection, Novena a la Virgen de Guadalupe/Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Currently, Juan directs the Association for the Promotion of Religious Music (APROMUR) in Spain and serves as a liturgical musician at San Estanislao Catholic Church in Madrid.