Writing, singing, and playing music is Mario Alberto Pérez’s way of fulfilling God’s call in his life: evangelization through music.
Click the play button next to a song to preview it.
- Atrévete
- Con Danzas de Mi Tierra
- Cristo Me Sana y Libera
- Descubre
- Dios Me Ama
- Dios y Hombre
- El Pueblo Dice Aleluya
- Enseñame, Dios Mío
- Grande Es Tu Amor
- Le Alabaré
- María Era Su Nombre
- Mas Que Palabras
- Nada Te Turbe
- Pablo y Silas
- Pedradas
- Sin Oración
- Son Para Ti
- Sígueme
- Te Necesito
- Tu Palabra Me Da Vida
- ¿Qué Deseas?
- Él Me Levantará
Born in Delicias, Chihuahua, Mexico, Mario Alberto inherited his love of singing from his mother and was introduced to music as a young boy when his grandmother gave him a guitar. Little did he know then that he would one day dedicate his whole life to sharing the message of the living God.He began learning different rhythms while sitting on the couch at home as a teenager. He later joined a parish choir where he played the drums. Eventually, Mario felt drawn to composition. He played the guitar and sang for the elderly in a retirement home where he volunteered. He later joined the team at Campamentos Kairós (a Catholic youth organization aimed at evangelization) where he was in charge of activities and music. The next step was recording his first album, Atrévete, followed by No Es Casualidad, El Poder de la Fe, Mario Alberto en Vivo, and his most recent album, El Me Levantará. From his latest solo album, “María Era Su Nombre” is also part of OCP’s Hispanic contemporary resource, ¡Vive Tu Fe!, 50 cantos de Evangelización, Oración y Alabanza.
Writing, singing, and playing music is Mario’s way of fulfilling God’s call in his life: evangelization through music. An idea for a song will often come to mind while headed somewhere in the car. Sometimes the music comes right away. “Most of the time the melody comes first, then the lyrics. I always start with the refrain and that gives me the foundation for the verses. Every once in awhile, though, I write the lyrics of a song first.”
Through his melodies, this talented composer hopes to reach the hearts of those who hear his music. He gives workshops for Catholic musicians on liturgy, musical formation, and internal healing and frequently travels with his wife who accompanies him on the cello.