On this “Word of God Sunday,” our focus returns to Luke, known as the Gospel of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit appears four times in Mark, five times in Matthew, 13 times in Luke, and 41 times in Luke’s sequel, the Acts of the Apostles. Present from Jesus’ conception in Mary, the Holy Spirit fills Jesus with power throughout his public ministry. Jesus bestows this Holy Spirit upon the whole Church, a story proclaimed so powerfully in Acts.
Jesus’ proclamation of Isaiah 61 sets the stage for his public ministry and underscores Luke as the Gospel of Mercy. It is the Holy Spirit who ushers in a new messianic community that is founded on compassion: to bring Good News to the poor; to free those held captive; to help the blind to see and let those oppressed go free. In Jesus, mercy and compassion are the ministry of the Church.
Lastly, please note Jesus’ words after proclaiming the prophet Isaiah: “TODAY this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” Luke frequently uses the words NOW and TODAY throughout his writings: Mary said: “NOW all generations will call me blessed.” The angel said: “TODAY a Savior has been born for you!” Simeon said: “NOW, Lord, you may dismiss your servant in peace.” TODAY, right now – to the original hearers of Luke’s gospel and to us who hear it at this very moment – the messianic promise is fulfilled. Our discipleship is always in the NOW. It is not history, it is not sometime in the future. NOW is the time!
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon O Sing a New Song to the Lord (Steve Angrisano, Sarah Hart and Curtis Stephan
Let Us All Rejoice #42
The Entrance Antiphon often captures the teaching from the Scriptures of the day. As Jesus proclaimed through the prophet Isaiah, his ministry ushered in a new messianic era. Sing a new song, indeed!
Entrance Chant As It Is in Heaven (Matt Maher)
Spirit & Song #267
Matt Maher incorporates the “new song” that is referenced in today’s Entrance Antiphon.
Responsorial Psalm Your Words, Lord, Are Spirit and Life (Scot Crandal)
Spirit & Psalm 2025: p. 78
In the First Reading, Ezra proclaimed God’s Law to the people. Their response was “Amen! Amen!” and Psalm 19 is our response to the empowering Word of God.
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia: Mass of Endless Mercy (Steve Angrisano)
Spirit & Psalm 2025: p. 80
Once again, the Alleluia verse prepares us to listen attentively to the Gospel.
Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts Living Power (PJ Anderson, Laura Huval and Thomas Muglia)
This is a powerful song of the Holy Spirit by three of OCP’s newest composers. You will easily find the sheet music in the link above.
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Communion Antiphon I Am the Light of the World, Says the Lord [Option 2] (Steve Angrisano, Sarah Hart and Curtis Stephan)
Let Us All Rejoice #44
Of the two options for the Communion Antiphon, Option 2 captures well the beginning of Jesus’ ministry as proclaimed in today’s Gospel.
Communion Chant A Place at Your Table (Ben Walther)
Breaking Bread #351
Note how Ben Walther references Luke 4:18 in this song’s bridge: “To bring liberty to the captives and sight to all who are blind. We are sent in love . . .”
Sending Forth By Our Love (Tom Kendzia)
Breaking Bread #500
Tom Kendzia’s anthemic revisioning of the classic song “They’ll Know We Are Christians” inspires us as we go forth from this Eucharist to share what we have received. “When we feed the hungry, they will know by our love; lifting up the lowly, by our love, by our love.”
Liturgy Blog is a weekly liturgy planning resource for musicians, liturgists, homilists, youth groups, faith sharing groups, and all who look to the liturgical readings for inspiration and nourishment. Join Ken Canedo as he breaks open the Scripture and suggests tracks from the Spirit & Song contemporary repertoire.
If you want to use songs that are not in any of the books you have, you can license the songs through ONE LICENSE. Paying for the usage of songs will ensure the Church will have quality songs for years to come.