Opening with the traditional tolling of the Angelus bell, this collection of Gregorian chants ushers in an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Compiled from two masses for the Feast of Pentecost, the CD depicts the disciples waiting in the Upper Room, the rush of wind, the tongues of fire, and the spreading of the Gospel.
Performed by the Gloriae Dei Cantores Women's Schola, this CD is perfect for anyone seeking a more intimate connection with the Holy Spirit, from those who are new to Gregorian chant to seasoned scholars.
Angelus bell | Introit: Spíritus Dómini | Alleluia: Emítte Spíritus tuum | Sequence: Veni Sancte Spíritus | Offertory: Confírma hoc Deus | Communion: Factus est repénte | Reading of the Pentecost story û Book of Acts | Introit: Cáritas Dei | Gradual: Beáta gens | Alleluia: Dum compleréntur | Offertory: Emítte Spíritum | Communion: Spíritus Sanctus | Communion: Dum venérit | Veni Sancte Spíritus, Guillaume Dufay | Closing bell