Proclaiming God's Love in Word and Deed

This book guides lectors and gospel readers through the essentials and fine points of effective proclamation.
In this brief manual on how to be better readers and hearers of God's word, the late Father Eugene Walsh delves into our various roles in the liturgy. In the foreword, he states simply, "This book is for all who read the word of God and all who proclaim the gospel in Sunday celebrations."
He reviews what Vatican II says about restoring God's word, talks about the power of the word we proclaim and explains the basics of how to proclaim it. He concludes by talking about what happens when Christians gather to celebrate the word, saying "Their whole life takes on the qualities of that word of God. They tell God's love story by how they worship, how they work, how they play, how they live." May it be so.
96 pages, size: 6 1/4" x 9 1/2", ISBN: 0-915531-21-6