OCP is proud to be participating in Pilgrims of Hope: Jubilee 2025, taking place through January 6, 2026. Ordinary Jubilee years occur every 25 years. They are special times of mercy featuring pilgrimages, processions, reconciliation and especially Jubilee indulgences. In “Spes Non Confundit/Hope Does Not Disappoint,” his Bull announcing Jubilee 2025, Pope Francis emphasized several ways that we can embody the theme of hope this year, and encouraged all of us “to participate fully in its proclamation of hope in God’s grace and in the signs that attest to its efficacy” (6). Here are several ideas for participating in Jubilee 2025 in big and small ways throughout the year.
Hope and patience
Jubilee years force us to step back and consider the ways we are accepting God’s mercy and extending mercy to others. They can serve as an important reminder of what’s important in our busy lives that can be so full of distraction and worry. In particular, Pope Francis encourages us to look for signs of hope during Jubilee 2024: “We need to recognize the immense goodness present in our world, lest we be tempted to think ourselves overwhelmed by evil and violence. The signs of the times, which include the yearning of human hearts in need of God’s saving presence, ought to become signs of hope” (7). He also emphasizes the importance of patience and how hard it can be to develop patience in the age of internet and social media.
Works of mercy
In his bull, Pope Frances also calls for many specific works of mercy during this year of Jubilee. He asks us individually and communally through our governments to work for peace, promote human life, show amnesty to prisoners, care for migrants, heal the sick, accompany the elderly, forgive debts, pardon offenders and more.
Pilgrimages and sacred places
Pilgrimage is obviously a very important focus of Jubilee 2025, with the theme “Pilgrims of Hope.” Pope Francis writes:
“Pilgrimage is of course a fundamental element of every Jubilee event. Setting out on a journey is traditionally associated with our human quest for meaning in life. A pilgrimage on foot is a great aid for rediscovering the value of silence, effort and simplicity of life. In the coming year, pilgrims of hope will surely travel the ancient and more modern routes in order to experience the Jubilee to the full. In Rome itself, along with the usual visits to the catacombs and the Seven Churches, other itineraries of faith will be proposed. Journeying from one country to another as if borders no longer mattered, and passing from one city to another in contemplating the beauty of creation and masterpieces of art, we learn to treasure the richness of different experiences and cultures, and are inspired to lift up that beauty, in prayer, to God, in thanksgiving for his wondrous works.” (5)
While finances, time, health or countless other things might prevent us from taking a big international pilgrimage, there are also ways to participate in a pilgrim of hope journey closer to home. During Jubilee 2025, a pious visit to any minor basilica, Marian sanctuary, or national shrine will enable the faithful to obtain a Jubilee Indulgence.
The sacrament of reconciliation is an important aspect of every Jubilee year. Pope Francis describes reconciliation as “a magnificent spiritual gift” and “a decisive, essential and fundamental step on our journey of faith” (23).
Reflecting on our baptism
Reflecting on our baptism is especially appropriate during a Jubilee focused on hope. Pope Francis promotes the eight-sided baptismal font as an object for reflection during Jubilee 2025: “Baptism is the dawn of the ‘eighth day,’ the day of the resurrection, a day that transcends the normal, weekly passage of time, opening it to the dimension of eternity and to life everlasting: the goal to which we tend on our earthly pilgrimage” (20).
Indulgences are a beautiful way to participate in the mercy and grace of a Jubilee year, and a concrete way to invest in hope during Jubilee 2025. Plenary indulgences may be obtained during the year by making a pilgrimage, visiting a sacred place, or performing a work of mercy and penance in addition fulfilling the conditions of receiving the sacraments of reconciliation and communion, being detached from sin and praying for the intentions of the pope.
Visit OCP’s Jubilee 2025 page for Jubilee resources, song suggestions for Jubilee celebrations and more.