Chants of the Misal Romano
Misal Romano Chants: The Order of Mass
These recordings of the liturgical texts in Misal Romano were prepared by OCP and are offered to help priests, deacons, music ministers, and others to sing these chants.
The following recordings are from the Order of Mass.
Introductory Rites
Ritos Iniciales: Saludo 1 – Introductory Rites: Greeting 1
Ritos Iniciales: Saludo 2 – Introductory Rites: Greeting 2
Ritos Iniciales: Saludo 3 – Introductory Rites: Greeting 3
Acto Penitencial 1 – Penitential Act 1
Acto Penitencial 2 – Penitential Act 2
Acto Penitencial 2A – Penitential Act 2A
Gloria – Gloria
Liturgy of the Word
Liturgia de la Palabra: Primera Lectura – Liturgy of the Word: First Reading
Liturgia de la Palabra: Segunda Lectura – Liturgy of the Word: Second Reading
Liturgia de la Palabra: Evangelio A – Liturgy of the Word: Gospel Acclamation A
Liturgia de la Palabra: Evangelio B – Liturgy of the Word: Gospel Acclamation B
Liturgia de la Palabra: Evangelio C – Liturgy of the Word: Gospel Acclamation C
Liturgia de la Palabra: Evangelio D – Liturgy of the Word: Gospel Acclamation D
Liturgia de la Palabra: Evangelio Respuesta Final – Liturgy of the Word: Final Gospel Acclamation
Credo – Creed
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Orate Frates
Diálogo del Prefacio – Preface Dialogue
Sanctus Español – Spanish Sanctus
Sanctus Latín – Latin Sanctus
Aclamación Memorial IA – Memorial Acclamation IA
Aclamación Memorial IB – Memorial Acclamation IB
Aclamación Memorial II – Memorial Acclamation II
Aclamación Memorial III – Memorial Acclamation III
Communion Rite
Oración del Señor, Embolismo y Doxología – Lord’s Prayer, Embolism and Doxolgy
Signo de Paz – Sign of Peace
Agnus Dei Español – Spanish Agnes Dei
Agnus Dei Latín – Latin Agnus Dei
Invitación a la Comunión – Invitation to Communion
Concluding Rite
Bendición I – Blessing I
Bendición II – Blessing II
Despedida I – Dismissal I
Despedida II – Dismissal II
Despedida III – Dismissal III
Despedida IV – Dismissal IV
Despedida V – Dismissal V
Despedida VI – Dismissal VI
Find/Browse Chants
- The Proper of Time/
Propio del Tiempo Coming Soon! - The Order of Mass/Ordinario de la Misa
- Prefaces of the Eucharistic Prayer/Prefacios de la Liturgia Eucarística
- Chants for the Eucharistic Prayer/ Cantos de la Liturgia Eucarística Coming Soon!
- Appendix to the Order of Mass/Apéndice al Ordinario de la Misa Coming Soon!
- Proper of Saints/ Propio de los Santos
- Commons/Misas Comunes Coming Soon!
- Ritual Masses/Misas Rituales Coming Soon!
- Various Needs & Occasions/Misas y oraciones por varias necesidades y para diversas circunstancias Coming Soon!
- Votive Masses/Misas Votivas Coming Soon!
- Appendix I: Other Chants/
Apéndice: Otros Cantos Coming Soon!
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Find the music sheet for these files from USCCB here.
Misal Romano, tercera edicion © 2014 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops – Conferencia Episcopal Mexicana. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
Propers for the United States of America and Adaptations for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America © 2017 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.