Pedro Rubalcava is a nationally known bilingual clinician and composer with expertise in various musical styles. He specializes in working with bilingual communities, speaking at diocesan events and leading music workshops.
- Acepta, Oh Dios, Nuestra Ofrenda
- Aclamen al Señor
- Acto Penitencial
- Acuérdate, Señor
- Al Partir el Pan
- Aleluya
- Aleluya, Cristo Es el Rey
- Amanecer
- Anunciamos Tu Muerte
- Ardía Nuestro Corazón/Our Hearts Burned Within Us
- Bendice, Alma Mía, al Señor
- Cada Vez
- Cantate Domino
- Canto Filipense
- Come, O Lord
- Completas/Compline: Versículo Introductorio/Verse and Response
- Con la Cruz
- Concédeles el Descanso Eterno
- Cordero de Dios
- Create in Me / Crea en Mí
- Cántico de Daniel/Canticle of Daniel
- Cántico de María
- Cántico de Simeón/Canticle of Simeon
- Delante de los Ángeles
- Den Gracias al Señor, porque Es Eterna Su Misericordia
- Deo Gratias
- Donde Hay Amor y Caridad/Where Charity and Love Abound
- Doxología y Amén
- Dying You Destroyed Our Death
- Easter Proclamation/Pregón Pascual
- El Cáliz que Bendecimos/Our Blessing-Cup
- El Señor Me Libró de Todas Mis Ansias
- Embrace Trust/Confía
- Envía Tu Espíritu, Señor
- Everyone's Invited/Son Todos Invitados
- Fieles Te Alabamos
- Gloria
- Here Am I, O God
- Himno/Hymn: Oh, Dios de Luz y Oscuridad/O God of Day and God of Night
- Honor y Gloria
- If Today You Hear His Voice
- Iglesia en Salida/Church on a Mission
- In You, O Lord
- Laudes y Vísperas: Bendición
- Laudes y Vísperas: Intercesiones/Morning & Evening Prayer: Intercessions
- Laudes: Cántico Evangélico/Morning Prayer: Gospel Canticle
- Laudes: Salmo 62 / Morning Prayer: Psalm 63
- Laudes: Versículo Introductorio / Morning Prayer: Introductory Verse
- Letanías para los Escrutinios
- Litany of Forgiveness
- Llegamos al Encuentro
- Lord, You Have the Words
- Luz de Cristo/Light of Christ
- Magnificat
- O Jesus, Healer of Wounded Souls
- Our Paschal Sacrifice/El Cordero Pascual
- Pan de Vida
- Philippians Canticle/Cántico Filipense
- Psalm 149/Salmo 149: Cantate Domino
- Psalm 91/Salmo 90: You Are My Refuge/Tú Mi Refugio
- Queen of Heaven, Rejoice/Reina del Cielo, Alégrate
- Reception of the Oils/Recepción de los Óleos
- Reponsorio/Responsory: Into Your Hands/En Tus Manos
- Salmo 141/Psalm 142: Tú Eres Mi Refugio/Lord, You Are My Refuge
- Salmo 142: Señor, Escucha Mi Oración
- Salvador Nuestro
- Salvador del Mundo
- Salve, Reina de los Cielos/Hail, Queen of Heaven
- Santo
- Somos Lo Que Vemos
- Somos Todos el Pueblo de Dios/We Are All the People of God
- Tuve Hambre (I Was Hungry)
- Un Solo Señor
- Vamos, Pues, a Anunciar
- Vengan a Él
- Vísperas: Salmo 140/Evening Prayer: Psalm 141
- Vísperas: Versículo Introductorio/Evening Prayer: Verse and Response
- Water of Life
Pedro Rubalcava is a nationally known bilingual/bicultural clinician, composer and performer with expertise in various musical styles. Pedro is dedicated to searching for and creating prayerful experiences of the divine through music, liturgy, the arts and beyond. He has been directing liturgical music groups for more than 50 years. He has worked in professional pastoral ministry in various areas, including liturgy and music, evangelization, youth and young adult ministry, catechetical ministry and RCIA for decades.
Pedro received national recognition in 1990 when Amanecer, his bilingual music collection, was nominated for a Grammy award in the Best Mexican/American Performance category.
He was the longtime director of music development at OCP and is now the director of OCP Label Group. He also serves on the executive boards of the Instituto Nacional Hispano de Liturgia (INHL) and the Northwest Regional Office for Hispanic Affairs (NWROHA).
He resides in Damascus, Oregon, with his wife, Kristin.